Design Option 1

Golden Goal '96
Wassily Kandinsky

The first time the rule for golden goal came into play and with it one  of the most important moments for Germany,  in the 96 European Championships in England.
Design Option 2

To new Heights
A Fan Favorite

A more surreal and emotional piece, capturing the feeling of rising up after a winning streak. Pushed by their fans the players go beyond their limits.
Design Option 3

European Champion

Elegant, focussing on bauhaus and the 1996 Championship. Being on top of it, Victory. Well engineered, structured, german.
Design Option 4

Repeat the Dream
Version 1

Based mostly on the use of typography, while enhancing the composition with and a couple of extra elements to achieve a modern bauhaus look.
Design Option 5

Repeat the Dream
Version 2

Based mostly on the use of typography, while enhancing the composition with and a couple of extra elements to achieve a modern bauhaus look.
Christoph Ruprecht​​​​​​​

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