I was inspired by the calm and care found in a typical zen garden and derived both a logo and a visual concept from the delicate raking of sand; Translating the attention to detail and goal of establishing harmony for the client and health of their feet, the visual concept also radiates softness and elegance. The graphic simplicity lends itself well to the application of various finishes, such as foil stamping, em- or debossing and more. It also enabled the branding to work without the touchy subject of having relatable foot photography as part of the formula.
The color scheme followed a very traditionalist luxury palette, consisting of white, hues of gray and silver, gold, both as a 4 color simulation, spot color and foil applications to cover the medical aspect of the institute, as well as a deep ruby red which adds the beauty aspect to the branding.
Typography choices are:
Gill Sans:  Regular _ Light _ italic : representing the clean medical aspect of the institute, as well as making sure the cosmetic nature still appeals to female and male clientele
Mrs. Eaves:  Roman _ bold _italc : to bring in a touch of traditionalism and accents of classic luxury
The Logo
The bespoke S&H monogram was inspired by soft flowing lines, representing the caring aspect of the institute, the attention of a zen-gardener with subtle aspects of yin and yang, as well as stylized feet in the negative space around the element. Used in a multitude of ways, it mostly stands on its' own, due to its pictorial nature.
Pricing information and loyalty card 
realized with subtle blind embossing and foil stamping
The visual concept was also applied to customize typography for in-house posters and store window banners,
bringing the individual message and logo element together coherently.
The visual concept of the delicate raking of sand in a zen garden was also used to develop illustrative elements to aid the staging of products in various in-house advertisements.
Decorative and with hints to (human) topology it also subtly borrows from an eastern sense of aesthetics, harmony and craftsmanship.
Packaging Design
While a lot of the institute related communication is held in white and gold, the cosmetic and rich nature of the product line works with a deep ruby red paired with gold to bring in a soothing warmth and comfort.
Shopping / Gift Bag and Folded Card 
for receipts, bonus card and other information
Direction, Design, Illustration, Typography and Visualization:
Christoph Ruprecht / christophruprecht.com

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