"Expansion and Contraction
or the Integration of opposite Polarities"
{ 22:32, scalable to infinity }
August 2014
“I am looking at everything from a more remote and primordial
point of creation, where I presuppose certain formulas for man,
animal, plant, rock and earth, fire, water, air, for all moving forces
at once. A thousand questions are silenced, as if they were
answered. Neither teaching nor heresy exist here. The possibilities
are too infinite, only the belief in them lives creatively inside
(Paul Klee)

"The Bridge"
{ 22:32, scalbale to infinity }
July 2014
"Formerly it frequently happened to me that when questioned regarding
a picture I simply did not know what it represented. I had not seen the subject, so to say.
Now I have also included the content so that I know most of the time what is represented.
But this only supports my experience that what matters in the ultimate end is the abstract
meaning of harmonization"
a picture I simply did not know what it represented. I had not seen the subject, so to say.
Now I have also included the content so that I know most of the time what is represented.
But this only supports my experience that what matters in the ultimate end is the abstract
meaning of harmonization"
(note from a letter, 1903)
Paul Klee

"Growth & Decay"
{ 22:32 }
August 2014

"The infinite Isness"
{ 22:32, scalable to infinity }
July 2014

"Zooming out into the Multi-Perspective "
{ 22:32, scalable to infinity }
February 2015

Some of the Works in
Issue 8
Issue 8